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Lessons Learned from the Camels in the Sahara Desert

A few months ago, my family and I went on an incredible trip to Morocco. It was a mix of adventure, family time, and sourcing elements/materials for my sandal brand. One of the most amazing parts of our journey was spending a few days in the desert and even sleeping one night in Bedouin tents among the Erg Chebbi sand dunes. We rode Camels into the desert, and they taught me a valuable and profound lesson, one I remind myself of quite often.  

At the time I shared this lesson in an email with my community and received so many lovely replies. It really resonated with everyone. So, I thought I'd share it here on the blog too. Here’s the original email, please enjoy!


Hi ... ,

I hope this email finds you well and ready for a moment of reflection. If you've been following my Instagram stories, you may have caught a glimpse of our recent trip to Morocco. We originally went to experience a completely different culture and immerse ourselves and our teenagers in new experiences, all while also visiting local craftspeople and possibly sourcing elements for my (and my students’) sandal brands. The sourcing part of our trip was not a success, but we have had some amazing experiences as a family.

Totally unexpectedly, as an ocean lover, I fell in love with the desert and learned some valuable lessons there, one of which I want to share with you today.

Imagine this: the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert, the majestic Erg Chebbi sand dunes, the sun painting the sky with hues of orange and gold, and me, alongside my family and some companions, riding on the back of a Camel into the desert, soaking in the breathtaking scenery. It was a moment of pure serenity and bliss.

As I journeyed through the desert, I felt a deep sense of connection to the environment around me. The Camels, with their steady pace and unwavering determination, reminded me of something important that I tend to forget far too often.

  The value of patience and a “one step at a time” attitude - the value of following my path (in life and in business) one step at a time, trusting that each step will take me closer to the destination. It sounds simple, doesn't it? Yet, in a world filled with constant hustle, bustle, and distractions, it's something we often overlook.

This is what the Camels reminded me of as they calmly and confidently set one foot in front of the other, following their own rhythm. They didn't fret about what lay ahead. They didn't second-guess each step, wondering if it was the right one, or the safest one. They did not look at the other Camels seeking approval. They simply moved forward, with trust and grace, knowing that each step would lead them closer to the destination.

On the Camel’s back, I couldn't help but think about how often we lose sight of that rhythm in our own lives. So often we feel rushed, second guess, get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, worrying about the future, and forget to appreciate the present moment and the stage of our journey we are currently in.

But what if we could embrace that gentle rhythm of the Camels? What if we could trust that each step we take is leading us exactly where we need to go, even if the path isn't clear, the destination not in sight (yet)?

This lesson has been at the forefront of my mind ever since our desert adventure.

So as you go about your day, I encourage you to take a moment to pause, breathe, and remember the lesson of the camels, to take those next steps of your journey courageously, confidently and calmly. I know I will and who knows, it might just be the one thing that leads us one step closer to where we're meant to be.

Thanks for reading, even though my reflections have more to do with life and business in general than with craftsmanship or sandals. And if you’re still here reading this, please let me know what you think. Would you like me to share more personal stories, my reflections, and experiences? Or would you prefer to “only” learn about Italian craftsmanship and sandal making? I am curious and always love to connect. 

Thanks again and all the best,



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