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The History of Italian Sandal Making and the Iconic Capri Sandal

Ever since I first discovered this beautiful art-form many, many years ago, I have been fascinated by the craftsmanship, the elegance and the experience of having a unique pair of shoes made, just for you. It’s fair to say, I fell head over heels for this beautiful craft. In today’s blog post I’d like to take you on a journey back in time, to the origins of Italian Sandal Making and the Capri Sandal. 

A Tale of Craftsmanship & Elegance 

Nestled in the sapphire waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Island of Capri is a mesmerising blend of natural beauty and historic charm. Known for its rugged landscape, vibrant colours and luxurious boutiques, Capri has long been a haven for artists, writers, and discerning travellers seeking inspiration and soaking up Italian flair. 

Just a stone’s throw away, the Amalfi Coast unfurls along the Italian shoreline, equally breathtaking with vibrant villages and steep cliffs falling into azure waters. Just writing this at my home in Australia, I am longing to go back to this beautiful part of the world. It's not just me; there's a special pull about this place, a captivating charm that seems to wrap the hearts of many. 

This beautiful region is where the craft of Italian sandal making truly flourished. The creation of the Capri Sandal, renowned for its simplicity and elegance, reflects the essence of this area: a blend of tradition, artistry, and a deep connection to the local landscape and culture.

From Humble Beginnings to Timeless Elegance 

The Capri Sandal started as a modest creation, born out of necessity and practicality. Local artisans crafted sandals that could navigate the rocky shores of the island and coast beyond with ease. Simple in design yet resilient, these sandals became an integral part of everyday life.

Passed down through generations, the techniques became more refined, blending tradition with a touch of contemporary flair. The focus remained on comfort and functionality, mirroring the needs of the locals. 

The turning point for the Capri Sandal came when its simple design caught the eye of visitors. Travellers embraced these handmade sandals not just for their practicality but also for their exquisite quality and understated style. The sandals began to find their way into the wardrobes of fashion enthusiasts seeking a unique and authentic touch.

In the 1960s the Capri Sandal caught the attention of fashion icons. Imagine the likes of Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren and Jackie Kennedy Onassis, strolling through Capri's streets, being photographed wearing these timeless sandals. 

The story goes that when Jackie Kennedy Onassis visited Capri, a traditional shoemaker by the name of Amedeo Canfora went above and beyond to ensure she had an undisturbed and personalised experience. Her visit was the only time Canfora opened his shop at midnight, allowing Jackie Kennedy to choose her sandals undisturbed. To this day, her favourite sandals can be purchased and customised at Canfora’s Boutique. 

The Capri Sandal Now: Embracing the Beauty of Bespoke Craftsmanship in the 21st Century

Today, the Capri Sandal isn't just a stylish souvenir; it's a personal crafting experience cherished by visitors. When women enter a sandal maker's boutique, they become co-creators of their shoes, selecting the style, leather type, colours, and accessories. It's a memorable experience, where each choice reflects their personal taste and style.

In minutes, these choices come to life as artisans craft the sandals right before their eyes. This quick yet intimate process creates a unique pair, perfectly fitting their feet and aesthetic. 

In a world where mass production is the norm, the Capri Sandal stands out as a beacon of intentionality and sustainability, a blend of creativity, personal service and skilled craftsmanship. Owning a pair of these sandals means carrying a piece of Italian heritage. It's no wonder that for many, the journey to this picturesque part of the world isn't complete without the experience of bringing home a pair of these iconic sandals.

But despite their growing popularity, the unique experience of having these sandals handcrafted is still largely confined to the Amalfi Coast, the only place where this tradition continues in its most authentic form. The opportunity to have a pair of Capri Sandals made just for you, to your exact specifications, remains a rare and treasured experience, largely unavailable anywhere else in the world.

As custodians of this ancient craft, we feel a deep sense of honour and responsibility. Our mission extends beyond preservation; we are committed to sharing the beauty and history of this age-old Italian sandal making tradition. By nurturing and guiding aspiring sandal makers, we open up this unique art form to a wider audience. Our goal is to empower creative women, helping them start their own sandal businesses and making this exquisite craft accessible in their own communities. In a world dominated by fast-paced living, we are dedicated to celebrating a slower, more intentional approach to creation, cherishing the individuality and quality that only handcrafted sandals can offer.

Ever Dreamed of Designing Your Own Italian Sandals and Starting A Sandal Label? My program, SANDAL MASTERY, takes you from beginner to skilled maker of bespoke Italian sandals through comprehensive online workshops. It is the first and only Mentorship program of its kind globally.

Imagine this: With my personal guidance, original tools and exquisite Italian materials you embark on a journey of crafting Italian leather sandals that echo centuries of tradition. I connect you directly with Italian suppliers, ensuring access to finest materials used by artisans on the Amalfi Coast. Wherever you are in the world, I bring the Italian craftsmanship right to your doorstep and help you to start your own label with SANDAL MASTERY.

You can find out more about SANDAL MASTERY here.

Read more about SANDAL MASTERY

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